Go to check some random programming stream and joined at a time where he's looking confused, about seemingly how "hello world" turned into "ass" hahaha

  • 6
    I was actually thinking of starting a development stream on twitch, thinking of creating some interactive chat bot for my streams but first I have to come up with some fun interactive shit to build 😂
  • 1
    @incognito I had the same idea but for Mixer. I think it’d be fun. And I just like that platform more. But by all means I don’t want to do it for the idea of fame or anything. But I’m glad to see I’m not the only one pondering the idea in general.
  • 2
    People actually do this?
  • 1
    @monkeyboy yeah it’s fun, at least imo
  • 1
    this is perfect proof of AI already becoming self aware and taken over and just messing with our heads.

    like when the code works or doesn't and you have no idea why.
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