
I refused to get into python pretty long but yesterday it happend. I got the py. :')

Coming from Java/Netbeans I tried installing it again (for personal projects), but since Apache took over and Java 10 got released I never seemed to be able to accomplish a clean IDE install.. I gave up while I wanted to turn a current python programmer to java and, again, Netbeans fckd me over. I tried IntelliJ again afterwards but Netbeans seemingly fcked over the whole JDK installation too, so I gave up for real.

Everyone in my vicinity told me about python and it's coolness. I just.. no.
No {}, no semicolons, indentations are relevant... idk. I did not want to, but some part of me still wanted to try it. I want to work in the infosec branche so it definetly should be one of my interests shouldn't it?

So I tried yesterday, installed PyCharm and in literaly minutes (of course with trusty Stack Overflow behind me) I had a Qt based GUI which functioned as a basic webbrowser. I was intrigued. Well, I took like 100 times that time to get a working .exe out of my .py with all dependencies, but with the help of mentioned python friend I also got this to work. Python is cool now, I guess... ;b

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