
What happened with proprietary OS?
Now if you don't have an SSD ,the whole UI is so slow.

It only happens with MacOs and Windows.

One more reason to use Linux

  • 7
    It's the same reason new AAA games require more hardware: the default becomes richer and richer and more expensive.
  • 7
    Even with a few Linux distros you really need an SSD. Fortunately SSDs aren't that expensive anymore and I rarely
  • 1
    OH seriously :o
  • 2
    You don't need an SSD for Linux. It's nice, and offers a nice boost to performance, but it isn't a requirement.
  • 1
    @anton96 SSD is becoming cheaper these days, just get one geez
  • 4
    Windows 10 is unusable without the SSD. However, if you strip off some of the services. It's just fine. Been using it since late 2015, its snappy enough.
  • 0
    @irene I think @theunknownguy is talking about superfetch and Windows defender which rapes your HDD. It may not make the OS unusable, but it does hint you to bang your head against the wall until your brain splatters on the cold hard ground just how laggy it is.
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