Have you always been missing ads in CLI applications? Have you been wondering how to bring such modern browsing experience to CLI? NPM has solved this problem, it has CLI ads now!


However, the are already people who spoil this great new experience with CLI ad blockers:


  • 5
    You what now?
  • 3
  • 15
    Ok first reaction was: wtf.
    And although I agree to some extent if it's for authors to self promote, but sponsored ads in the cli? This is not the place devs go to be bombarded with marketing.
  • 10
    Good and bad,
    good: Open source devs need to pay bills
    Bad: We use CLI for that single purpose: simple, clean and most of all, not messed up UI/ads/non sense.
  • 11
    @C0D4 The thing is, the right place to be bombarded with ads is exactly nowhere because everyone hates ads everywhere.
  • 12
    So guys, here's some ads to fund "the wider unknown developers of transit dependencies" or as I like to call it "me". Thread Locked.
  • 10
    Total fund $2000 for a five day work .-.
  • 11
    @gitpush what an entitled, drive-by advertisement sneaking, piece of shit indeed lol
  • 8
    @JoshBent I don't like where this is going >_>
  • 12
    @gitpush even better: actually, he's just writing a config and tries to rip off mostly other people's work. From a comment in the first link:

    You guys seriously don't see what this guy is doing? He's trying to push his ESLint config as a "standard" and monetize it. This is not a "FOSS project", it's a publicity/advertisment stunt. How do you reconcile your views with the fact that this guy plans to get paid pretty much for someone else's work (ESLint)?


    What an asshole. $2000 für updating a config.
  • 8
    The show goes on. Another project has put the offending standardjs.com on a block list for ad / tracking servers, and the standardjs.com shithead even has the audacity to complain:

  • 7
    @Fast-Nop lmao, what a fucking degenerate, get that guy smoked by a truck, also good job github for lending censorship tools to fucktrumpets like that
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop beautiful, that one time I love adblock lists for blocking non "direct" ad websites, that are advertising or ruining in other ways :)
  • 6
    jesus christ, what a bunch of bags of shit that attracts: https://github.com/feross/funding/... aka "github allows me to delete your comments, so I might as well justify it with fake arguments".
  • 7
    Lol, this is going to be a fun drama to watch
  • 6
    Oh boy, I sure can't wait to see 1297 ads hiding all meaningful log output when I run npm install on a React project.
  • 10
    " no tracking " bahahahahahahahaha "yet"

    Awaits for my console to start giving away who I am, what projects I have, and which packages I've just ran install / build on, all while spitting out thousands of links since the package / repos will start including ads everywhere.

    Yea, no thanks.
  • 5
    @JoshBent (the manifesto link)

    Dude's a whole ass clown for that smfh
  • 4
    @C0D4 typical CoC(k)
  • 4
    Seriously? Ads in CLI? I mean... wow. Just wow.
  • 7
    Let's get the funding to post an ad for the ad blocker.
  • 12
    I hope this guy gets run off the road by Richard Stallman's moped, ploughed into by a bus full of Google execs, and then, while his broken and mangled body lies dying in the ditch: raped by Lennart Poettering and his inspiration for SystemD.
  • 7
    @Root sounds like half of that would give him pleasure, especially lenny with his D system.
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere I would not be surprised when we all would die within the next months by literally anything.
  • 6
    This spy- and adware crap is exactly what I need within the serenity of a terminal! Open source software with privacy nightmares baked in, extra bloated with crappy ad scripts for your pleasure. 99% of the code is ads now? Doesn't matter, there's more than enough space on this server / IoT appliance anyway, that's why you're running lean consoles, right?

    I hope this guy burns in the deepest pits of hell. If you want to sell your software, fucking make it proprietary and then sell it for God's sake, or if you're making it open source sell your support for it. That's what everyone's doing already anyway. But ads? 😷
  • 3
    FOSS funding crisis means he feels entitled to put ads in cli and take ad revenue (for himself)?

    He's sad companies are using permissive licenses to make money? Free Listening? It's bs. 1) There's no way I'll be sure the ad-money gets distributed in an ideal way. 2) the CLI is not a place for such things. Composer already has Suggests where a package suggests another. This, I don't have a problem with. It doesn't clutter the output in the same fashion this white block of text does for a single ad. 3) If he's mad about companies using open source projects to make millions for free, he should push for less permissive licenses.

    "You can freely use this if you're not making money off of it, but if you are, we expect something back". 4) His Manifesto. Nobody holds his head against the screen and forces him to read negative comments. He's doing it to himself. He can sugarcoat it all he wants but he's free to ignore people. He just isn't free to avoid the consequences of doing so.
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