
I'm tired of the lack of competition. Open source and public code is supposed to bring people together but a lot of the time it just puts people down and makes them think "why would I recode that if it's already made?" It's going to kill the amount of people actually learning to program because their ideas are just crushed by people who already made them.

The people who are going to be more successful are going to be the ignorant ones who don't bother looking if it exists first and that is kinda sad.

  • 4
    Depends on what you count as successful. I'm an it-supporter who picked up programming. I'm grabbing existing code left and right and writing my own only where I need it. I've provided massive benefit for my company as a programmer compared to the resources they've spent on setting me up as one. I consider myself a successful programmer, even as I invent uses for existing tools rather than writing my own from scratch.
  • 4
    What a lame ass excuse to stop writing code. Necessity is the mother of invention. There are a ton of things we could do new

    While "stop reinventing the wheel" is meant for projects to succeed, "always reinvent the wheel" is meant for developers to succeed. Try, fail, learn, retry. That's how people better themselves
  • 1
    @ArcaneEye I definitely agree from that perspective. I'm more talking high school students and people initially getting into programming. There is going to be a lack of people with base knowledge and variety is my concern.
  • 1
    @asgs It's how code improves as well. People need to stop being lazy and learn how shit works. It irritates me.
  • 1
    On the other hand, there's "scratch my itch", "works for me", and bad documentation.

    It happened to me more than once that I ditched some OSS that was supposed to do what I wanted because I was faster writing something myself than trying to figure out OSS, getting it to even build, let alone debug it.

    Or it did only half of what I wanted, or not in the way I needed, so that I had to rewrite it.
  • 0
    @n3xus I've been at it for two years and only now starting to learn the specifics of data type implementations and the sorting algorithms you use for them. I'm playing a massive game of catch-up at age 32 and doing whatever the hell I have to, to solve the problems I'm faced with.
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    @ArcaneEye my comment wasn't about you or your hardearned knowledge. Plus you didn't understand what I wrote, so STFU and move on
  • 0
    I think this is an interesting point and worth of debate.

    A debate not an opiniated cat fight ;)
  • 0
    Internet is dead anyways so I don’t care.
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