
A YouTuber posted a video today about how Linux users' bad attitudes account in some part for the fact that AAA games are not getting released as much on Linux as on Windows.

Here's my bad attitude: Fuck AAA games. I don't want them on linux. I don't want them to exist. The AAA studios are colluding to change the market to be less about selling games and more about leasing access to them, and prioritizing revenues based on mictrotransactions and gambling-- with a pursuant focus on exploiting addictive personalities for profit. We don't need that on linux, and frankly, I don't think EA, Ubi, Activision, Bethesda, and Epic do either. Linux is an environment of choices, where the inner workings of any particular piece of software are far more exposed than they are in closed systems like windows, mac, and consoles. That exposure breeds understanding, and the last thing the AAA studios want is a knowledgeable, informed customer base. They want naive children with access to their parents' bank accounts, and they want to eliminate all means to access games other than themselves. This is not behavior we should be rewarding by asking them to expand into our space.

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    Out of the loop...

    What games in Bethesda doing this with?

    I really only play Elder Scrolls single player RPGs from them anyway. I hate the online shit.
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    @Demolishun Exactly the online shit is where they are doing it.
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    They have a hugely successful, "free to play" game on mobile called Elder Scrolls Blades.
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    Since when youtubers are authorities ?
    Maybe for those young bastards who’re steeling from their parents to fap while playing another fps CoD and Fifa gazillion version or just want a new skin from the box.
    They’re just barkers that help to catch fishes for corporations so CEO can buy new Ferrari or rent a Embraer and have good blowjob while he’s flying to his private island.
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    I dunno, if it tides them over until they make TES VI I don't care. Let em bleed the mills.
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    Fucking yes!

    PR people trying to make them look like they are upstanding companies, perverse motherfuckers.
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    Yeah, like seriously you can easily use Linux and Windows with a dual boot
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    Or run linux is a vbox. Cause there aren't any good games anyway.
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    Or run Windows as a gpu passthrough, as Windows has little use other than Windows games.
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    @bahua Windows is so much more than that!

    Windows keeps antivirus/anti-malware companies and computer scammers in business. Its a multibillion dollar industry!
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    As someone who has worked in the industry, this is incredibly accurate and I absolutely loathe it.
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    And I really hate this tiered premium shit from ubisoft and others. Really. Why.
    Fuck economics.
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    And don't forget the thousand launchers you have to install.

    At least I can get rid of the battle.net Launcher in October as Destiny 2 moves to Steam.
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    Nethack is the only game I need.
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    CTF anyone?
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    I played heavily in the mid to late '90s. Good times.
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    may I ask which youtuber?
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    @kescherRant @bahua those games are not made by Bethesda directly, they are just branded Bethesda. Also elder scrolls online is made by Bethesda's owning company, Zenimax media. I think the only online thing Bethesda did was fallout 76 which was a big flop.
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