So I was reading a rant by PatrickCurl and he said he lowered his rates to $40/hour. Was just curious how much you guys are getting paid per hour? To me $40 is alot actually but it depends where you live and what are your expertise. Anyways, just for a rough idea, can you guys tell me your $/hour rate, experience and your country maybe..??

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    That's on the low end of average where I live. (Nevada)
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    That's about avg for Australia given his stack choice.

    But on the same note, his resume looks bumpy or atleast not progressive 🤔

    Director of marketing -> developer -> CTO -> freelancer.

    @patrickcurl, how does one go from CTO to freelancer?
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    12,50€ brutto, but i dont need to pay rent.
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    I know people that charges $100/hour,
  • 2
    As a Belgium-based web-developer (!not self-employed) consultant with 3.5y of professional exp. I have an hourly net of 12.5€ (~ 14$). That is at the upper end of average. For clients, this is charged at 70-100€/ hour.

    In Belgium we have the highest income tax in the world (40-50%) though, but you get back a lot of benefits through the social security net (reduced medical costs, unemployment support, pension).
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    There's a difference between a salery and the rate you charge as a company/freelancer. As a rate includes the cost of doing business like marketing, office rent, office materials, electricity, taxes, the salery you pay to your self, a contingency for bad times and a profit margin.

    Usual rate for a web dev agency in Switzerland (most expensive country in the world) is around $120-140/h with special rates for highly specialised senior programmer stuff at $210/h.
    The entry wage as a web dev is around $40/h. So you see there is a discrepancy between the rate a web dev company charges and the wage it pays to the programmer.
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    I was asking about the rate programmer gets. I think people in US get paid by per hour rates. And in other countries there are fixed salaries.

    In my country (Pakistan) we usually get salaries. But I am working with a company in UK on a contract which is basically like a normal job but I get paid by Per hour and there are no other benefits. So its like how it is in US. So i am getting $5 an hour, which is more than what i would get here, and much less than what they have to pay in UK, so its kinda win win for both
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    @iCanCode The main reason US/ UK/ western Europe outsources development jobs to other markets is indeed for cutting costs of domestic wages.

    Except for long-term partnerships with companies in these markets however (e.g. TCS, Tata consultancy services), one-time freelance jobs are often used as a starting point for initial development, then further developed in-house.
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    My employer hires all new personnel as contractors first, making about $50-60/h, and then if things work out, they get converted to full-time employees, starting at $100-115k/y plus benefits. You're going to have a hard time finding anyone under thirty though, as they want experience.
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    Salary is about $1500 here, but that's because we're working with US clients, but I get paid around $18/hr as a freelancer (old clients). I plan to raise it to $35. (Haiti)
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    @C0D4 I don't think the resume looks bumpy. The CTO position looks like a startup that didn't make it. So it's not unreasonable to go back to Engineering.
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    @Fast-Nop The hashtag thing.. you were right :D
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    @Dave-Elec are you talking about the noob thing, I read that after creating this question and realised only then that no one puts them here. In my defence, DevRant asked me to put in hashtags xD
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    @iCanCode no.. @Fast-Nop commented somewhere that people who put hashtags on devRant are on the lower 10% end of pay grade here as a joke.
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    @Dave-Elec yeah it was in the comments of that rant, i read that too
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