I had to make an account for my kid's school.

Last night I start. I put in a username, then it has a quality meter for the password. I put one in and it goes to like 90%. Ok, fine. I submit and...

Validation error on the username field. Message? [object Object].

Try all different kinds of username: no numbers, all caps, etc. But no luck so I give up.

Today I try again and get stuck again. Then I think... "Maybe the devs suck worse than I think..."

I change the password so that it's rated 100% and submit... Success.

Fucking devs.

  • 5
    School websites are always the worst.
    Actually: save one. Government websites.

    My guess is either they employ students/TAs to make them, or the geniuses in the IT/CS department(s) are the ones determining who to contract, and given how absolutely terrible the IT/CS departments invariably are, they pick the bloody worst contractor. So ofc they're terrible and cost a fortune so the school refuses to consider a rewrite.

    Government websites are terrible for exactly the same reasons, except those hiring the contractors have barely even heard of a computer, and solve every problem by throwing increasing amounts of taxpayer money at it.
  • 3
    Never go with 90% security noob! Always 💯 cause it's more secure u know.
  • 0
    Hate these kind of situations, too. Please, handle the exceptions !!!!
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