
It’s 2019, why is Maven still a thing?

  • 13
    Because Gradle is sadly not the savior we all hoped for
  • 16
    @12bitfloat *sheds a single tear, it lands on my laptop and instantly evaporates from the heat because IntelliJ is “updating indices”*
  • 5
    @24th-Dragon In the case of Gradle: Almost unbearingly slow, unintuitive, garbage error reporting that never gives you relevant information and 100 frame long callstacks and very bad documentation on top of stupid DSLs
  • 4
    Y'all make me feel like the only mfker that likes Maven
  • 4
    It's 2019, why is Java even still a thing?
  • 7
    @retnikt You can pry Java from my cold dead hands
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    @24th-Dragon Maven sometimes just doesn't get builds right.

    So recently, I developed a new feature at work. We have several "checker" plugins in use - version checkers, dependency analyzers, the famous "Maven Enforcer Plugin" tamagotchi that regularly needs to be fed, what have you.

    All was fine for over a week. Then it was release building time. Suddenly the dependency analyzer barfed left and right. "A declared dependency that's not in use! Build failed!". "An undeclared dependency that *is* in use! Build failed!".

    Some many quostions. How did Maven build this correctly in the first place? Why didn't the checker warn us before? Even with "mvn clean install", I mean? Shouldn't that, you know, clean up all generated artifacts and build them from scratch? And why bitch about dependencies that were unchanged for months? I dunno, man...

    I can rant just as much about Gradle, but yeah. That's something wrong with Maven.
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