
Fuck my dumbass online college professor for forcing us to socialize with each other. Decrepit fucking cunt.

  • 4
    I hear ya bud, but sometimes there is value in networking and meeting new people. Try to get the best out of that particular situation.
  • 2
    @AleCx04 well there’s a few factors that are bothering me.

    I don’t mind networking and making friends in fact I love it if it’s with people in the same degree or related, but the class is a business class that’s not really related to programming at all and the class is stuffed with people of random degrees and we’re being forced to socialize, or we get dropped.

    And I’ve just had a very very close family member pass and everything is setting me off and I’m just not handling it right.
  • 2
    Sounds like it probably breaks the ADA law (you're in the US right) . Anyone with Autism could easily claim this forced activity is causing anxiety etc.
  • 1
    Funny ;)
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