Honestly, after using sublime, atom, brackets, WebStorm, and so many other IDEs/Text Editors, VSCode outshines all of them ❤️

  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere damnit you beat me to it by like 2 minutes
  • 6
    sorry... but i definitely prefer PhpStorm/WebStorm.
  • 9
    and outshines ram consumption too?
  • 1
    I started using VSCode after a few recommendations. I have to say I think it’s incredibly similar to Atom. There’s a few features that are in VSCode natively, where as in atom you need to install a plugin. I really don’t see any big diff at all
  • 3
    @practiseSafeHex in my experience, and I could be wrong, atom started slowing down quite a bit after a year. Have been working with VSCode since 2 years now and haven't experienced any performance issues yet.
  • 0
    @ynnk any reason why? Just curious
  • 1
    @MagnumPanda Recently I installed Atom for the first time in years and it's much faster now and has a new user interface(imho actually better than VS Code's, but of course that's a matter of preference). If Atom was like this back then VS Code would have never taken off so hard.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants will it give it a try again then :D
    Thank you. Atom has quite a lot of memories attached.
  • 2
    @MagnumPanda phpstorm is unbelievable when it comes to php and vue support.
    I'm an absolute vscode fanboi but had to work with PS at work and dude vscode's plugins aren't always gold.
  • 2
    It requires a graphical desktop, so it's a non-starter for me.
  • 1
    I'll use anything as long as I can set up Emacs keybindings.
  • 1
    I tried vscode. Did not like it. Stayed with jetbrains IDEs.
  • 1
    While I haven't checked for myself, apparently if you compile VSCode from source, the executable will have a different hash than the one they distribute. Kinda fishy.

    I would use Atom but when I tried it, it wasn't nearly as good as I wanted it to be. I think it just needs a little extra love and care.
  • 0
    Wait till you use vim
  • 1
    I wouldn’t compare any IDE to VS Code considering it’s a text editor.
  • 0
    @JhonDoe sounds like criticizing a Ferrari for using a lot of horse power but okay
  • 2
    @frickerg dunno about cars and horsepower(s), but more free ram is much appreciated in my potato system.
  • 2
    (Obligatory IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate comment - One IDE to rule them all, one IDE to find them, One IDE to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.)
  • 0
    (requisite Microsoft hate)
  • 0
    @irene it's a very pretty car with a powerful engine though. I guess it's a matter of priorities 😁
  • 0
    @irene pretty JS interfaces are actually my job 😁 sure there's something for everyone and my laptop is overheating constantly but I wouldn't have it any other way!
  • 2
    @dontbeevil from the faq. it's still advertised as an editor, not an ide

  • 1
    As for IDE I always go for Netbeans, sometimes VSCodium for quick edits (vscode without the calling home bs)
  • 0
    VSCode for LaTeX, Vim for Config files or quick/ssh editing and JetBrains for development (mostly Python)
  • 0
    I agree with VScode is better than Sublime and this is pretty petty but I love the default sublime interface.
  • 0
    It really is fantastic. I didn't want to love it as much as I do.
  • 0

    now wait until you find out that visual studio exists =D
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