* Got an epileptic seizure
* fell down
* broke my left humerus top to 3 pieces
* bone pieces will be held together with titanium plates/screws tomorrow with surgery
* need some good wishes although I am hardcore materialist
* thanks in advance.

  • 5
    Thoughts and prayers
  • 4
    But seriously though, good luck!
    I might have to get my knee fixed soon, (depending on how badly I broke stuff), so I feel your pain
  • 3
  • 2
    @frickerg not dead yet :(
  • 0
    Get better soon!
  • 4
    You are taking the first step toward becoming a cyborg 😋
    Need hard plates to secure solid mount point for the laser canon later.
  • 1
    Did you commit and push your code though?
  • 0
    @Jilano actually I hit my head, I had a light wound 4 times size of 1 euro coin. The weird shit is I woke up in my bed with broken arm. I dunno how can a a seizure be so powerful that it masked a broken arm pain. I have no memory of going to bed with broken arm.
  • 1
    @swablu funny thing, I am looking at temporary objects like fruits and thinking, I was healthy when I bought that apple. Wish I could return to an earlier commit.
  • 2
    @aviophile unfortunately life is more of a one way hash rather than an unbalanced graph, such is the algos of life, or so we think.
  • 0
    @endor "thoughts and prayers" darn you, bojack
  • 1
    Get well soon!
  • 0
    Seizure is basicly human brain boot looping. None of the sensors is going to work because the PC is fucked. I hope you will be better. You have to be careful with seizures...
    Especialy when working on PC's.
    Also, you will have problems getting a MRI or through a airport... but at least you have nearly indestructible there!
  • 0
    Life follows a simple algorightm, similar to that YT algo.
  • 1
    Thanks all, I got surgery yday. Have philos plaque and screws on my bones. Already started physioteraphy!
  • 1
    Your meat suit is turning into a meat mecha!
    Keep going and you may live forever 🙂
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