Why are the damned Spaniards so small? Because of them I am unable to sit in the newer trains that go around the Netherlands. The angled headrests (they are supposed to kinda wrap around the head). But these headrests start below my shoulders and my head then floats above the headrest. This causes my shoulders to be folded together.

FU you spaniards (no offense to everyone who didn't design trains), if you can't take in consideration what the average length of the users is you have failed as a product designer.

Yes I am tall (1.95m) but not really above average around here (maybe a cm or so)

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    Are you implying 1.94 is the average height in the netherlands? Hell to the no, more like in the 1.80 range
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    @EngineerCoding I guess I live in a tall area of the Netherlands then. In my average day to day life I rarely see males of 1.90 let alone 1.80
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    The SNG? Or the first class DDZ/VIRMm?
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    @alexbrooklyn SLT and SNG I think, not really a know the train type kind of guy
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    @Codex404 slt's are a bit older, the FLIRT's might be the ones you mean

    I only get shitty SGMm's :( not even wifi

    I always have a virm/virmm in the first part of my journey, sprinter second
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    Well.....maaaybe and just maybe it is because of the average height of you Vikings ain't the same as Spaniards?
    I can see why they would design stuff catered to their national average instead of a global average :P spaniards do get to be pretty tiny sometimes
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    @AleCx04 trains interior is designed specifically for the customer though.
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    @alexbrooklyn the ones I had were one with USB ports for every chair and recyclebins on the balconies.
    Also one with the same base look and chairs but without any power outlets and thrash cans at the 4seat places
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    @Codex404 I think a flirt

    I'm curious what the ICNG will be like :D
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    @Codex404 InterCity New Generation, the virm variant of the Sprinter New Generation (sng)
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    This thing
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    @alexbrooklyn I just looked it up... Same fucking headrests....

    They want more people using public transit, though make the trains less and less comfortable with each update.
  • 3
    Wait...you get a *seat* on the train?! Absolute, fucking luxury.

    I get to stand in a tiny space in a carriage getting whacked by backpacks and overwhelmed by body odor.
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    All my short (and normal) friends don't understand why I am so uncomfortable everywhere. They don't know what's it like banging your head on the top of the car, or pushing your legs against the bus seats 😒
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    Am Spaniard (okay, partially Portuguese), still agree.

    I curse every day that I was born short.

    At least I have an excuse for staring at women's racks. It's all eye height.
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    @Wisecrack I also have the excuse, when I look in girls eyes I look straight down in their bosom 😏
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    Tell them you have low self esteem and their shoes are LOVELY.
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