
I built a site for fullstack articles. You can check it out at https://fullstacknews.com

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    I "built" - you mean took lobsters github, git cloned, changed some lines and now repost some stuff? https://github.com/lobsters/...
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    cool is there a facebook page feed of this to subscribe as well?

    you could use www.buffer.com, www.hootsuite.com or www.falcon.io to play it out on multiple chanels
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    @heyheni no I don’t know how to use Facebook.
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    So I guess you also have the website "daily shitter" that you posted to reddit and then deleted? lol

    btw it is ridiculous*
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    😐I'm confused, I'm not saying

    # node start

    isn't a difficult process, but what part did you build?
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    @C0D4 I didnt “build” it. I deployed it. Lol
  • 2
    @chovy ah, that makes more sense 😅
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    @C0D4 whatever. Build deploy. I got in trouble with the dev though because I filed a ticket asking how to change the logo. The he got mad at me. Why do assholes go into open source if they don’t want people using their software?
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    @chovy I would suspect with my 20 seconds of research this is where you would do that

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    Holdup, where did StackOverflows downvote bot come from?
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    @C0D4 the logo is not a file. It’s a data url. I’m tired of jag offs who just assume I’m an idiot.
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    @chovy you mean like

    background: url(data:image/png;base64,...............)


    Just convert your logo to base64 and change the ... part.
    Or replace the URL() to a local image 🤷‍♂️
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    @C0D4 yeah I thought it might be inserted automatically somehow
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    @chovy I'm just digging around on my phone in the repo, some of the .erb files have data images.
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    @chovy "why do assholes go into open source if they don't what people using their software?"
    I believe this is the ticket? https://github.com/lobsters/...
    The reply looks quite reasonable to me, in the ticket he referenced (https://github.com/lobsters/...) he invited you to ask questions on their Freenode. I don't see why you'd classify this as asshole behaviour.
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    @RememberMe lmao, this is getting better by the day, what a fucking cunt 💐😁
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    @RememberMe you forgot to mention that he clearly also stated that that repo is only to be used for lobsters actual website, yet the IRC is open for anybody, so not only reasonable but also giving the resource necessary to further ask questions in the right medium.

    Edit: he even answered the first time, yet redirecting to the IRC

    give somebody help, instead hard closing and they'll take your whole arm lol
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