
Ok bye.....

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    "Real engineers don’t do that..."


    damn it, well that just invalidates any opposing argument I might make...
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    @FrodoSwaggins Sorry, I was being silly. I copied what you said, and made the attempt to say that any argument I could make was invalidated by the fact that I copied what you said.

    I agree with you. Besides copying code often ends up copying bugs. Sorry for the confusion of my failed attempt.
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    I only use SO to understand why my problem exists and how it could potentially be solved. I rarely copy and paste code from there, if you dismiss copying and pasting CLI commands to do one specific job
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    Is copying and pasting code not ok if you understand what the code does and how it applies to your use case? You should also have self-written unit tests to prevent bugs in the copy-pasted code.
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    I'm an engineer and I copy and paste all the time!
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