

Make a song title or text geeky/dev related, e.g.:

JSON Derulo - Talk Nerdy To Me
Katy Proggy - Firewall
DJ KhaLED - All I Do Is Print
DJ snake_case - Git Push For What

Now you!

  • 5
    Bash - Don't ^C Me Now

    And of course the good ole
    Rammstein - do, do class, do class if
  • 10
    @Ansis that was RAMstein, if my memory (!) isn't failing me...
  • 1
    @eeee That's a good point-er
  • 0
    Oldie but goldie:

    Weird Al Yankovic - It's all about the Pentiums

    Weird Al Yankovic - Virus Alert

    Weird Al Yankovic - White and Nerdy
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