Im done with C++ i want to learn new language. Is there any good language to learn ? I heard JS getting really popular and python is going up those day. Any idea ?

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    What does "done" mean? Tired of it? Learnt it all? Not finding useful?
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    @Demolishun just tired its been years im on it. I find it really useful i just want To learn something else that le even more useful ^^
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    @NoMad "coming from oop" in reference to C++. I hope that is not his entire experience with C++. Its a very generic language now.
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    @NoMad yeah but i see alot of new application comming from js like discord / slack etc using Electron JS it looks promising. I did not under estimate python i really like this language tho
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    @NoMad I get it. I just learned a ton about C++ this last year as I took a hiatus with Python for 7 years. Now I am amazed at the approaches I can take. Its like a whole new language.
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    @HotSauce If you go with Python you will wonder why C++ does not have list comprehensions. One feature I miss. Python is a lot of fun. To save you time search for: idiomatic python videos on youtube.
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    @NoMad i mean its why c++ is good, for oop. Else i would just program in C
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    Might want to give Rust a go, it has a lot of colon with C++, but will actively prevent you from doing anything memory unsafe.

    Personally I love it, memory safety is part of the type system, letting your APIs do the talking for you for such annoying stuff as "if you free the pointer you give me, I WILL segfault your program".
    It's also made me more aware of these problems the compiler prevents you from creating when working with other languages :)
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    @NoMad i agree that he should try golang. But there is nothing wrong about him learning JS and Java as well. Both languages are perfectly capable and fine languages to learn.

    At least mention that you are being biased with your recommendations.

    To op: try Pharo if you are feeling experimental with a very interesting language that seem to be quite popular in France, at least in some places :D their MOOC is made in French, you would probably enjoy the experience in a more natural way.
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    Python and C# are my recommendations
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    Try to figure out what you want to make. and choose the best language for that case.
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    @Nanos Yes im currently going for python i think. Even tho JS looks interesting with all those new framework like Angular JS, Electron etc
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    Definitely Python. JS? Nooooooo! Kkkkkk
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    @NoMad by that logic then we shouldn't use golang then since it does not really bring anything new other than goroutines and it is lacking in many language features prominent in other languages e.g Java. There is nothing in Java that is not modern, just like c++, it keeps evolving and getting morr features over the years.
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    I don't like Java, but... Its used for Android development, is used in tons of devices we don't know about, is very prevalent in enterprise, and most importantly, it is used to program Minecraft. Lets keep our priorities straight here people.
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    @Demolishun +1 Minecraft
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    Swift can also be really interesting there should be alot of demand for freelance dev on ios
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