Nope, in my place it is...

1. Chrome
2. IE

Thank me later when you get a job here, probably shouldn't

  • 5
    IE is the second most growing browser in your company?!

    Everyone leaping back in Windows 7 as some retro thing?
  • 6
    1. Firefox
    2. Chromium (degoogled chrome)
    2.1 Tor browser (so, Firefox tuned for use with Tor)
  • 4
    1) ie10
    2) heavily locked down chrome
  • 5
    I develop for firefox, and might make a bug fix for chromium if I have nothing else to do.
  • 1
  • 4
    Our company still uses IE but if a web app works on Chrome/Firefox and not on IE, we tell them to suck it up and stop using IE for that app
  • 2
    Lol firefox is best :)
  • 0
    My personal opinion

    Websites in my country combatibility percentage

    IE10/11 99%
    Chrome 70%
    Firefox and other non chromium 60%
    devRant 0.101010010010010100100101%
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