
What keeps programmers interested in programming? Does solving new problems always stimulate your dev soul as much as it used to, or are we all doomed to find our jobs uninteresting after a short while?

  • 5
    I've found being thrown into the deep end of new projects keeps me going. Something new to solve.

    But when things start getting stale, it's hard to keep momentum.
  • 3
    Improving my knowledge and widening my area of expertise which I hope will ultimately allow me to become a better developer and improve my self-confidence
  • 3
    Solving problems has always been an important thing to me stimulate my mind
  • 5
    The never ending pursuit to make my code read like a poem... The challenge of solving a complex problem, while attempting to write it better than before keeps me going.
  • 2
    Most of my projects I start on my own never get finished. My muttivation is comes from diving into rabbit holes and trying to learn the most details possible after that I try to concept Proof what I learned but almost never build a project on it. It still helps a lot in work related projects to optimize performance.
  • 1
    For me it's the creative side of things. Especially designing minecraft mods. I never end up finishing them though because they always get way too complex way too quick
  • 1
    As long as there are problems to solve in this world that can be solved with a computer I'll keep being a programmer
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