Has anyone ever experimented with Dart or Flutter? I'm thinking about developing an app soon. What should I know before diving in?

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    it is AMAZING.

    there's not much to know, if there's anything you need to know the docs are great, except they don't have examples.

    also, lots of flutter capabilities almost require firebase, eg push notifications, just because there's no good alternatives

    also, the packages for flutter aren't very extensive, but that should change

    and for anything http based that requires authentication, use the dio library.

    and once you get down the very basics, learn about inherited widgets and themes and stream builders, as those will go far as to provide state management. you can go far with those alone, and you don't really need a state management solution until a medium-big app.

    also, animations are something easy with flutter, it will probably take about an hour or two to fully understand and master them.

    what do you plan on building?
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    @calmyourtities I work for a local agency that wants to have an app for the town that will send notifs, show news articles, allow photos to be sent in. I've discussed this with the CEO, he's willing to pay me hourly for it.
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    @TechnoTrumpet yeah idk if you're privacy concerned, but firebase cloud messaging is really the only option for push notifs. there's onesignal too, but i haven't heard good things about it.
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    @calmyourtities I was looking into that integration, that's probably my best bet. I'm not overly concerned, haha. I've only been on the receiving end of OneSignal
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    @calmyourtities where do you recommend I start?
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