I like how in one rant I'll read about someone who's tired of not reading any actual rants (The "Reee idk how to use the filters" people) and in the next someone's complaining about the the number of rants concerning XYZ (For example, PHP, JS, Semicolons)

You're just crusty bastards! There's no pleasing everyone

  • 1
    True but what the fuck is up with flutter? There's a rant within the first 5 about it almost every time I open the app
  • 0
    @Jilano it's not just that. I feel like it's a person tryna make ads or some shit.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet flutter is flavour of the month for the cool kids. It’ll be something new in a while... 🍿
  • 0
    Well at least they're ranting about something 😅
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