Just wanted to share view from my desk window.

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    @irene little but didn't tried to remove after. Also I was thinking to make custom watermark. But meh..!! Still deciding.
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    @irene So you prefer no watermark? Or custom watermark?
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    @irene Hm... Interesting. Tell me why you not prefer too please.
    ( Not asking negatively though just curious on how different peep thinks as I've met plenty who either like to keep original or custom watermark and even peep who don't like watermark at all).

    Also if I ask same question to myself, I can only think like it's default, people can get to know from which device the pic is taken or maybe I want them to know which device I'm using but it's average device so nvm.
  • 2
    @synchronicity I never saw phone that would have watermark enabled by default, it just doesn't make any sense. I can see value in that only if you are already using your phone model around certain audience and just need more of that "Sent using iPhone", "via iPhone", "I'm rich, totally, look at how much I'm worth, check those Armani underpants, upper class right here".
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    @arraysstartat1 Wellp, trust me it was by default enabled, also I already mentioned this is average phone so can't even brag about it.
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    @irene that makes sense, thanks.
  • 2
    Where in india brother?
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  • 1
    Wow, that looks beautiful
  • 2
    For a second there I thought that was a screenshot of a top tier Minecraft modern buildings build.

    I think I might attempt to build that building tonight...

    Got a better view of the entire building so I could use for reference?
  • 1
    @Superviral Eh...! Why not? I mean it's not built by me :P
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