
What would be your answer to this question? My answer was closing the tab and promising myself to never apply there again.

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    What would I actually do? 2, only less politely. But then, that's why we wouldn't have become friends in the first place. @NoMad has it right though, those are the "politically correct" options they're looking for.

    Useless questions, but sometimes they're just generic HR requirements, and it doesn't *necessarily* mean that you'd have an awful time working there.
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    I think my brain needs a shower after reading that. Woof. Run away!
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    I want the option that @NoMad said. Id just continue to work and maybe reply to something if she raised her intonation or so... Ofc unless I liked Alison, then I would drop everything and pretend to be interested in every single word until she left.

    I mean honestly, she's not going to be talking for 4 hours right? I can spend the 5 minutes on her without loosing on work...
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