I think I'm going to delete my account.

I browsed through my personal feed, and even though I've spend some time curating, only about 1 in a 100 is a real rant. The rest are memes, mildly funny observations, the kind of programmer humor which is only funny to non-programmers, and bland anekdotes.


What kind of a weak, smoothieslurping mindfulness convention has this community become? Do you guys just want to be a mildly funny reddit clone for easily offended hipsters?

This place was my outlet, my venting space, the spot where I didn't feel alone in frustrations.

I find this new content fucking sickening.

  • 58
    Why do you care about what others think?
    Keep ranting. I, for one, enjoy them
  • 36
    Shut the fuck up and rant, actually no that's not going to work when you think about it.

    Rant like you've never ranted before, be loud and be heard!!! 🙌
  • 21
    Mate, why don't you just ignore all the morons and still do your thing?
    Fuck the newcomers and rant it all out with capital letters and curse words. You may also want to use a picture to describe the inner anger better. :)

    I, for one, have no problem with people ranting and socializing here.
  • 38
    K, bye 👋

    Never understood the need to make a fuss about leaving a space you don't enjoy being in. It's kind of like when people comment "I'M UNSUBBING!!!!1!!one!!!" on youtube videos. Just go, lol.
  • 9
    You fucking dipshit moron son of a motorgrease-muncher when the fuck will your two disabled braincells finally notice that people actually goddamn care about the unfiltered and unseasoned utter bullcrap you spew on this platform!
  • 5
    In all honesty though, I'd hate to see you go
  • 14
    @Elyz Because this community was my favorite place on the internet.

    A bunch of meme kids jumped in through the window and started swinging on the chandelier throwing their shit all over the floor.

    If that happened to your home, would you you "just leave" or at least punch a few of them in the stomach before calling extermination services?
  • 10
    @bittersweet oh I'm not disagreeing with you, I think it's annoying too. However I just don't see how it's going to change. The memes will keep flowing and people will keep being annoying. No use getting upset about things you can't change 🤷‍♀️ I just think when you've had enough one should just leave instead of making a fuss about it. I feel like we have this "devrant is going downhill" convo weekly but nothing changes, so it feels like a waste of energy. Until we get a feature to vote people off the island I don't think it'll be what you were used to in here.
  • 5
    @irene and why are you so aggressive, got a cactus cemented up your ass ya fucktrumpet?

    /s obviously
  • 1
    @irene grumpy shitheads don't exist, only people who are unaware of how to channel their inner positivity
  • 14
    deleting your content = more crappy meme indian spam on devrant instead of real rants
  • 4
    Without @bittersweet, dR would only be bitter... nooooooeees
  • 4
    Stay, adapt, rant, survive
  • 2

    Leave those people

    Its you and it depends on what you care and leave. Just neglect those garbage and keep ranting...

    Best Wishes
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- hello
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- hello
  • 4
    Please do not delete your account. You wrote the best rants on devRant.
    Just leave and let others enjoy your rants.
  • 3
    @Nanos C'mon be fucking positive for once, you retarded cunt.

    I understand you have trouble staying calm because you look like the kind of dimwit who still uses notepad++ on Windows Vista, but if you don't chill down right now I'll shatter the display of your phone and force feed you shards of gorillaglass.

    There you go, feeling better buddy? ♥️
  • 4


    Notice me...


    P.S. HI @irene 👋
  • 3
    I want to delete my account on account of the bandwagoning whiny dense motherfuckers in this place man. I try to have less involvement with the community because of this shit. Just recently my latest argument was telling some cupcakes that I was not targeting them for a rant.

    Apparently people do like to be offended over nothing. Such.....weakness man.
  • 8

    It's really difficult for people to understand that just because:

    1. I'm fucking frustrated with frontend developers shoving some framework in my face...

    2. You're a frontend dev on devRant, and you both like and use that framework...

    ...doesn't mean I have a personal issue with you.

    I'm not literally going to rip your spinal cord apart because you make your money writing Angular plugins. I don't give a fuck about that.

    I'm just frustrated by being in that personal situation, in my own specific environment.

    I'm going to vent my frustration, I will be overly biased, I will use logical fallacies and flawed arguments. I'm just letting all the mental poop flow out.

    It's not a coffee salon topic about technology based on strong rational arguments and fair debate, it's just. me. fucking. ranting.

    And if you point out some of the logical flaws in my rant, that's fine, I'm up for the coffee salon version in the comments. Telling me "I don't relate, I love Angular it makes my nipples hard" or "Some of your points are only because you're doing it wrong, have you tried first gulping your cucumber and then yarning your jest?" — all cool.

    Just don't bitch about my right to throw that bunch of angry nonsense into a post in the first place.

    There is a difference between refuting someone's emotions, their right to be annoyed as fuck, and refuting their logic and arguments.

    Telling me to curse less or "just chill" doesn't make sense, because it's literally the purpose & reason this community exits.
  • 1
    I literally only use DevRant for subscriptions.
  • 2
    @bittersweet goodbye friend. Thanks for all your rants and comments. Thanks for all the smiles you put on my face. Thanks for all the laravel advise you gave me. Thanks for introducing me to the well of all good packages from Spatie. Thanks for being awesome.

    I don't know who I will have to fuck to get advise on laravel when I get stuck in the future. But it's OK. I hope. 😅
  • 0
    I think it's great that, there is room for memes etc. But great rant to set focus on the rants!
  • 3
    @bittersweet please don’t delete your account
  • 2
    @bittersweet if you delete your account i will probably stop supporting dR.

    Imho you are one of the few good motherduckers left in this community (along with some peeps that replied on this post)

    People like you should continue to rant like they're stuck in a 'while true' loop.
  • 4
    @bittersweet just go to the stories tab you big dummy. It has pure rants and rants alone. Memes are only a few words at most
  • 5
    That one time I decide to pop in again and you guys are all about drama and begging for somebody to stay (again) lol.

    It helped a lot to take healthy breathers and take dR from my home screen into the app drawer, maybe worth a shot for some over investing themselves into what is still a user driven forum.

    The hipsters and starbucks hackers are what takes most of the land, deal with it or drown in their feces.

    Not to shit over the neighbors fence, I've had my fair share of the same experience with forums, even recently where I over invested myself into the community and people, just for it to go to "shit", even though it is just that delusional expectation we secretly set ourselves and those pink glasses.
  • 3
    @norman70688 ah yeah forgot to mention that, but checked just couple minutes ago if I was the only breather taking one, even linuxxx went MIA even though he was the only surviver from the "wave", where we all just sort of went our jobs and days instead of keeping a day worth on here, managing user scripts, github issues, keeping up with people and people's problems, all that jazz.
  • 4
    My further personal take on this: everything in portions, we ourselves fucked us over by setting such expectations for how devrant should be and what people grow on here, some even took it so deeply to heart they made countless self or devrant administration hatred posts, fishing for calming facebook'esque comments, others went more silently and just moved an app icon away from sight.

    If we'd less invest into that stressful notification driven life on here, together with fighting some very poorly educated people and less trying to change the kids that know no better, we could enjoy the couple minutes that devrant still easily can give us, even daily if necessary.

    Curiosity is going to hunt you is all I can tell too, it killed me trying to keep up, because I've deleted accounts, but if I just naturally got fed up and bored, it faded itself - because if I want to, just like now, I can pop in anytime.
  • 4
    Use this as a blog, rather than a platform to find equals, we are death filth ridden with a million of people that are just waiting to piss your day, might as well enjoy some of your own time instead.

    Keeping it down to a blog of sorts makes it much more appealing for me too personally, none of that drama to keep up with, no endless threads about things people will realize anyway, no more wasting time reflecting on people that enjoy the attention,.. just some good old ranting of what happened or just progress of what you have learned or did.
  • 1
  • 1
    Rant! Rant like the caps lock abusing angry mother fucker that you are in the moment. This is the place for ranting and if some snowflake cunt tells you to calm down, tell em to get fucked and we’ll be right behind you. Bring on another glorious frustration and anger fuelled rant... we froth that shit. 🤘🏼
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- hello
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- hdjdjja
  • 2
  • 2
    @Coffe2Code oh so sorry, I was tinkering with a custom devRant app I made, I was testing auto-complete mentioning when I write @ and your name was the closest one under my finger..
  • 2
  • 3
    @Coffe2Code Testing in production huh! 😑
  • 3
    @Coffe2Code @-ANGRY-CLIENT- @badcopnodonuts

    Still better content than 90% of the jokes and memes on the main feed 😁
  • 1
    Crap! You're one of few people why I return here from time to time.
    At least start writing a blog or some other publicly available crap.
  • 1
    So bitching about not being able to bitch... That's kind of ironic I would say.

    Like if anyone can bitch about everything, then it's legit to bitch about your bitching. Isn't it?

    Or should we not bitch about others bitching?

    I like to bitch about others bitching...
  • 2
    Are you a bitch when bitching about bitching?
  • 0
    Well this was inspirational. I'm off to ranting.
  • 0
    I never see downvotes, we should make use of it
  • 2
    @xsid you're new then, because downvotes have been commented by dfox many times, they aren't reddit downvotes, they are report tools for harassment and other violations.
  • 1
    @JoshBent and they influence algo to feed your feed.
  • 2
    @nnee only on feed and if you use the algo to begin with, also there's the option on comments too
  • 1
    Hi. Been gone some time now. Dunno if anybody remembers me anymore. So many new people. Things have changed indeed. Had to do a bit of searching to find someone I remember. I had forgotten most of your names (sorry). Seems like Irene is still here. Dunno about the Linux guy(s). I miss devRant. Bye.
  • 0
    ... i never understood the people who need to browse through the contents of the dumpster before dumping their trash in it.

    ... if you get my point ;)
  • 0
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