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    @norman70688 yes, there is so much not state secret, but so important to know. Weather information services, navigation systems for example cannot be missed.
    But there is also more critical weapon things like missile launchers or similar systems which can be open source.
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    Ive signed and shared it.
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    @norman70688 that can still work if one has to request access to a certain security level first.
    In that case I would be able to access it when my clearance state gets updated.
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    Was not sure if link to new viagra supplement or if I had to wire transfer $100 to receive my million dollar fortune 🤔
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    @norman70688 you think the government is profiting from wasting money? I think they would rather give it to the people who need it but the software is needed to do that. Companies fuck around with the money.
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    In Italy we already have a law that states that when public administration need to acquired new software they have to first check if there are open source solutions available, if there are not, they can opt to have someone build the software for them, and that software should be released in open source.
    Only when none of the above is viable, they are allowed to opt for proprietary software.
    Unfortunately there are so many caveats and exceptions that, to my knowledge, 99% of the software used by public administrations is proprietary software
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    @josap what reasons would make it not viable?
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    @Codex404 IMO none, open source should be the default option for public administrations.
    My best guess is that companies like MS and alikes invest enough money in marketing (including that aimed at developers) so that decisions makers in public administrations prefer proprietary software for some security/other bullshit reasons
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    @norman70688 Man you wont believe how bad some security stuff from the military is which could easily be solved with currently available open source stuff!
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    But I don't want people reading my code :(((((
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    @AlgoRythm then dont use tax money
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    @Codex404 we actually don't, we are a profitable public organization.
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    @AlgoRythm then code doesnt have to be open source
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    @Codex404 I like that loophole!
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    I would work on open source flying saucer controls. You know they have them. Just nobody is talking.
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