We need Phones with nuclear batteries, and no need to stay plugged in all tye day anymore l.

  • 1
    Our children will laugh at us for having to plug our devices in as often as we do. There will be comedy sketches about it. Battery technology is improving quickly, and in our lifetimes that improvement will obviate what we currently depend on.
  • 7
    @bahua Nope. Battery tech did not progress even close to moore's law. And the future is bleak...
    Also - remeber the note8 Fail? imagine yhe Fail with nuclear batteries. Chernobyl style!
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    Nope to you. Adoption will be slow, compared to the release cycle of new phones, but it will happen in our lives. A friend is a chemical engineer at a startup here in Colorado that will make it happen-- if it isn't done by one of the dozens of other small companies that are working on literally the only problem: the chemical mixture of active and inert elements. It's only a matter of testing. It will get done.
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    But will it glow in dark? 🤔😅
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    Erm. I very rarely get anywhere close to spending my battery in a day. I charge when I go to bed. What are people doing with their phones that they need to charge all the time?
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    @bahua Nope. It will not be stable, and it will not solve the two fundemental problems:
    1. Energy to mass ratio. We need stuff 3 orders of magnitude better then what we have now.
    2. Charge cycle time. We need stuff that charges 6 orders of magnitue faster.

    If such a solution was easy to do, and with commodity level cost: You are looking at the next multi-multi-billion industry, with impact on phones, cars, boats, airplanes, trains, toys, cats, and global warming.

    Samsung, Apple, and Elon musk are on the problem for the last 20 years. What makes you think a small startup in colorado is close to the solution? If you have a real reason - tell me, I need to invest.
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    Yes, and that is precisely what these many companies are working on. It's doable, and they will do it. They will eliminate the need for combustion in all but a couple edge cases, and it will happen by 2050.
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    I charge my phone something like twice a week, sometime thrice, I don't think I need to do it less
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    And in the not so distant future you will charge your phone (if we are still using phones) maybe once every couple months.
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    One side effect of less advances in batteries is that we learn to use less power. We do more with less. This is good all around. I am pretty amazed that a tablet I just bought can do 13 hours of playing video. We need photon based CPUs that use less power and generate near zero heat. Then battery should last longer. Also, lower powered screens.

    Nuclear batteries would be cool though. I wonder what the trash cycle would be like though.
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