The CEO of Harley Davidson once said his was the only company logo that people tattoo on their body.

Anyone sad enough to have a tech tattoo...and brave enough to admit it?

  • 20
    Tattoos are like bumper stickers: You won’t put one on a Rolls Royce.
  • 2
    I wouldn't mind getting a tiny wireframe ruby tattoo somewhere. But I adore gems anyway.
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    You mean like Prusa has?
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    Josef Prusa
  • 2
    I may or may not have a world of warcraft tattoo, if you'll count games as tech 🤭
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    @irene on my shoulderblade. It was a bad choice. I now realize I should've gotten it on my butt or between my boobs but alas, it's too late 😔
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    @irene good point, that doesn't sound like it would hurt too bad 🤔
  • 1
    @irene definitely bad spot. Palms of hands and soles of feet will lose a tattoo quickly due to wear and tear. Or so I've been told. What about the inside of your wrist?
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    Underrated Python tattoos on loads of gangsters and mobs.

    Don't know anyone with a tattoo from any tech companies though.
  • 1
    I've been considering getting a full sleeve of just tech stuff. But alas I haven't decided yet.
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    @deadPix3l i also had the idea of putting my "stack" on my right arm

    Like https://stackshare.io/dropbox/...
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    @tkdmatze that's so many things tho! And a few of them I don't trust to be around in 20 years.
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    I already have dead items(Groovy, GWT, Prototip, Yahoo User Interfaces) in my stack, and i expect angular to be dead soon too :)
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