We need a new flash like plugin to rival javascript

  • 6
    Didn't they call it silverlight?
    That ended well too.

    We are doomed to carry JavaScript to our graves, might as well embrace it.
  • 5
    Isn't Web assembly enough for you?
  • 1
    Why a plugin, when one can use Rust, C#, C++ and more languages in a browser already?
  • 1
    @Codex404 correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't wasm run as JS anyway?

    Which if I'm right, is throwing a giant level of abstraction in place just so you don't have to write JS.
  • 0
    @C0D4 No, it's running in a dedicated VM. You need to use JS as an entrypoint, but as soon as you're in wasm code, you have all the low-level performance goodness.
  • 0
    @C0D4 nope, its actual compiled code running in the browser. Interfaces by javascript but when using a framework like Blazor then there is no need for javascript at all (the framework handles it for you)
  • 1
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