Which OS do you use?
Windows, MacOS, a distro of Linux, or some other OS?

  • 3
    Arch at home, Ubuntu at work
  • 3
    I'm using TempleOS, but I'm having a hard time since I can't find a way to upgrade it.
  • 4
    Debian "Stretch"
  • 4
    Debian 9 (Stretch)
  • 2
    Arch at home;
    ubuntu, SUSE, centos and win10 at work.
  • 2
    Debian, CoreOS, Alpine and CentOS at work, Win10 and Debian at home.
  • 2
    @rutee07 Same here, windows 10 at home, Linux Mint at work
  • 2
    Linux mint at home and work. Win10 in a virtual machine for windows-speciffic stuff
  • 1
    At home macOS, at work Windows and for my servers Ubuntu or Debian.
  • 1
    OS X (Mac) 🤘🏻
  • 1
    At home desktop: Arch and Windows VM for games.
    Laptop 1: Windows 10.
    Laptop 2: Arch
  • 1
    Laptop: Artix (Arch with OpenRC)
    Home: Ubuntu Budgie and Windows 8.1
  • 1
    Fedora at home
    Ubuntu at work
  • 0
    Work laptop: Ubuntu.
    Main home laptop: Windows (I game a lot)
    2nd home laptop: Ubuntu
    3rd home (closet) laptop: Ubuntu server
  • 4
    Btw I use Arch.
  • 1
    GamePC (bert): win10
    Laptop 1 (ernie): win10 (after my current project is over Im gonna install linux on it)
    Laptop 2 (bigbird):win10
    Laptop 3 (no name): win10
    RPI 1: Win10
    Rpi 2 OctoPI
  • 1
    Linux mint (vm)
    Centos (vm)

    Linux mint (vm)
    Centos (vm + prod)
    Kali (vm)
    OSX high Sierra (vm)
    ChromeOs (vm)
    Android (vm)

    trying to get OSX Mojave to work as a hackintosh vm, seems to know it's in a vm 😩
  • 0

    Well I’m trying to setup Kali but the desktop I’m trying to put it on is being a fuck.

    Genuinely love Raspbian tho it’s pretty cool for what it is

    Fuck windows
  • 0
    - Windows 10
    - Debian
    - Windows 10
    - Windows XP (vm to use sometimes for some legacy nightmares)
  • 0
    @rutee07 exact opposite here 😂
  • 0
    Android 9.0
  • 0
    - Windows 10
    - Manjaro
    - Windows 7
    - Windows Server
    - Different Linux Distros (Only Remote)
  • 0
    Ubuntu & Win10 dual boot
  • 1
    Forced to use windows at work 😑 and I have to use windows at home.
    I prefer linux but I like music production and those programs only work on windows or mac.
  • 0
    Symbian... ;)

    Win10 and ubuntu dual boot at home. MacOs at work
  • 1
    Windows ME at home.
    Windows 98 at office.

    Vista in my dreams
  • 0
    Windows 8 / Linux Mint dual boot at home (my father needs to use windows every once in a while)

    Work PC has MacOS and Ubuntu, although Grub has overtaken REFinder and I don't bother fixing it since I never use MacOS anyway

    School PC has Windows 8 and Ubuntu dual boot, since school requires windows sometimes
  • 0
    Windows as main OS, OpenSUSE as server OS
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    Im using manjaro i3 wm 😃
  • 1
    All of them plus FreeBSD
  • 0
    fedora at home, ubuntu at work and my server, and debian for my SBCs
    why is everyone forgetting those?
  • 1
    Windows... just Windows 10. Hate me all you want, I like it.
  • 0
    Windows 10 with Ubuntu WSL.
  • 0
    Windows 10 and at least five different Linux distros.
  • 0
    Home: MacOS
    Work: Windows 10
    Servers: CentOS with a couple on Ubuntu
  • 0
    Windows 7 at home (because fuck Win10)
    Kubuntu at work
  • 0
    NixOS at home

    Ubuntu and CentOS at work
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