I can't breathe good air anymore. Water is being wasted. Fossil fuels are being wasted. Unnecessarily high number of vehicles on roads and most them have fucking one person sitting in them. They take out a fucking vehicle for fucking 200m. People throw trash everywhere without any regard for cleanliness. Prices are going up. Inefficient shit pieces exist in the market and people buy that shit. The world is going to hell. I hope I die soon enough to not know that is has.

  • 1
    Boris is going to sort everything out, apparently.
  • 1
    @nibor what even has he done as a mayor anyways
  • 2
    Well! lets see how our generation and next generation handles the Earth :P

    Anyhow the destruction of the Earth is inevitable at some point.
  • 4
    What a coincidence! I was thinking about this just a couple of hours ago when I saw people cutting down huge trees to make way for big ass fly-overs.
  • 2
    It is about to change luckily. In my country, the generation above me had an absolute insane amount of resource usage. They had a boat, a cottage which stood unused 95% of the time, an oversized house, two cars, bought lots of cheap clothing, wasted a lot of food, drive 2 meters in order to buy some milk, never used collective transportation, and so on and so forth.

    To be honest it really blows my mind.
  • 0
    on the flipside, the world is becoming more peaceful.

    not a sensation, a statistical fact

    so not everything is shit
  • 2
    @erandria But what use is that ?
  • 4
    @-red what kind of question is that?

    would you not mind being a slave or getting beheaded because you stole a chicken?
  • 1
    @erandria seems like your world is only peaceful buddy. Look what's going on outside of the box.
  • 1
    @legacy07 did I say the world was 100% peaceful...

  • 1
    @erandria well it's surely not getting more peaceful. It's still the same or getting worse. I'm happy you're trying to stay positive but on the flipside there's a reality outside too. World doesn't become peaceful by banishing slavery. There's still 'modern slavery'.
  • 3
    @legacy07 just shut up

    everything that you're saying is awful, you calling me buddy to asserting that I'm saying these things to "stay positive" (instead of actual data you can find online), and even using the stupidest term "outside of the box"

    here's some data


    That is just one site, google "has the world become more peaceful" and you'll find dozens of pages with scientific approaches to the question.

    do you have anything to back your counter claims?
  • 5
    @legacy07 I said "the world is becoming more peaceful" (which, again, is a very likely true assumption based on data and science), but somehow that in your brain translated to "the world is 100% ok".


    you know what isn't becoming more peaceful after reading your comments?
  • 0
    The planet is fine, the people are fucked.
  • 2
    @erandria We don't kill ourselves but let the planet do it for us slowly. Don't get me wrong. Things might still be able to change.
  • 1
    @galileopy No it's not. Last I checked, the Ozone layer still has holes. And yes they are.
  • 1
    Kudos for recycling and using recycled products, using a reusable rag to wipe instead of wasteful toiletpaper, shutting off and unplugging all electronics at home when not in use and when nobody is home, bathing in the bathtub and using the toilet many times before flushing, instead of wasting water by showering and flushing after a single use, and all the other things you do!

    Because, surely, you would have walked the walk before climbing atop that soapbox to talk, right?

  • 1
    these new users are the worst...
  • 0
    Welcome to reality.
  • 0
    @erandria peaceful or pacified?... everywhere is become police states.
  • 0
    @rendezvous Did you know there’s apparently an unlimited(phrasing) amount of oil and it was a lie perpetuated by the original oil tycoon to drive prices. Much like the diamond value.
  • 2
    I can’t stand the inefficient, low quality, give people bad taste for products that flood the market... and people buy only because they can afford it now rather than save up for the quality product.. and the cheap product manufacturers just make the product for greed of the bandwagon of the next big thing, rather than competing up with something completely original
  • 0
    @rendezvous Considering our winters get hotter every year I doubt it. I’m
    Not a conspiracy theorist but too many facts line up with this shit it can’t be untrue.
  • 1
    @-red It's 7 AM and I walked out into a cloud of dust.
  • 1
    @-red it'll regenerate after we all die. Dinosaurs went extint and still life survived on Earth.
  • 1
    @galileopy There's been constant life (albeit some rough periods) on earth long before the dinos turned up dude

    Yes the planet is fine, it doesn't care if polar ice is melting resulting in a slew of consequences for land based animals
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