
Does code review plays a big role when developing? Although it takes time? and also what's the average time when doing it?

  • 4
    Yeah. It does have it's role in development.
    Important thing tho is that codereviews are more efficient when you're doing it 1 on 1.
    Why? Because of the rubber duck effect.
    You're explaining your code adjustments to another dev or even a qa makes you think twice and thrice about it.

    How long does it take?
    In average a code review takes about 30 minutes.
  • 3
    So you like to write horrible shitty code?
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    @heyheni I have a knack for these things.

    @Mugi, code reviews help not only you identify flaws before releasing, but having a fresh set of eyes look over the code while you explain what's going on is one of the bests ways to introduce new ideas for handling things you might have overlooked or not considered.
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    @C0D4 like this?
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    @heyheni no, I think god gave up too.
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    Code review is not only a tool to improve code quality, but a tool to improve yourself as well :) You can learn from reading other people's code. But of course this all depends on who you are working with...
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    In general a good development flow goes as follows:

    analysis -> analysis review -> coding -> code review -> testing -> documentation

    It takes time but it's a flow that makes sure your code is technically and functionally validated and documented. It removes a lot of bugfixing work you'd otherwise get.
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    @TylerDDevRant Well said! I'll try to implement this on my team. Currently, my setup is to assign my members to each feature and then we will just merge after they finish it. Later on, I'm having a difficult time configuring their feature that they made and it will be end-up fixing their own feature.
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    @C0D4 Thank you! I'll consider this on our next feature.
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    @HisAxelency Yep. Our current flow is like
    analysis -> code -> testing -> *LOTS OF BUGS*. I'll implement this on our next feature. Thank you!
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    @Mugi do you use a Linter for debugging and enforcing a coding style?

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