  • 12
    SEO: The scientology of IT.
  • 4
    Do people do SEO anymore? It used to be so popular making SEO sites. Now about of the 80% of the SEO tricks are useless.
  • 1
    I'm still trying convince my boss that more pages with more tags != better seo. Better pages with more, better content will create better seo. We have a few duplicate pages with very little content, and just a few words changed around because the last guy was an seo expert and knew what he was doing.
  • 0
    God forbid that the quality of the content be at the forefront of a creator's priorities.
  • 0
    Any SEO https://mediaonemarketing.com.sg/se... involves the use of techniques that directly or indirectly affect the work of robots. However, "white" optimizers and marketers do not break the rules of the game. They adhere to the recommendations of search engines for creating good sites and optimizing them
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