Anyone who is a contributor @ an open source project?

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    I'm also interested if anyone here created an open source project
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    I fixed a typo in the readme once
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    I contributed once on an open source project, it's a react native implementation of Firebase ML Kit, I added face recognition feature (well, I added Android support only)
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    the repo doesn't have much reputation tho
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    I'm currently contibuting features to a small open-source game. Soon I'll publish my web framework project that I've worked and re-iterated for couble of years.
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    @joas I would like to contribute, is there anything I can do?
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    I'll create a collab when it's the time and tag you 😊
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    There's definitely need for hands after I get the core stuff solified.
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    Well, I don't count it as a real contribution, but I changed the tray icon of a Messenger app to better show a new message. Nothing code related (yet).
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    I make PRs for changes to the things I've used, but i don't usually try and get involved with big projects that are 14,000 commits in.
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    I’ve patched a small part in the intel wireless network driver from the DragonFlyBSD kernel once. lovely project, lovely people.
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    This rant has inspired me to work on some open source projects
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    Atom, Hospital Run, AUR, some linter and various projects I found bugs in.
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    @Haxk20 I would like to contribute too, can please you help me get an issue or something like that?
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    Yes, PHP mostly. I have some OS projects of my own as well.
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    @joas I am curious to work with you. Let me know when you are done with solidifying the core.😄
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