MITM on all HTTPS traffic in Kazakhstan


Sweet Lord Jesus... Now there is a precedent

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    Amazing. Thanks for posting this. Does anyone have any idea how those people who were championing Net Neutrality would respond to this?
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    @halfflat no implications, i just dont seem to hear much from that crowd nowadays, and since the conflict in this article seems to stem from the position that the net neutrality folks stood on (government should control how the internet is used and regulated), then i wonder how they would respond to this. Thats all.
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    @halfflat gotcha. As a concept i don't know many people who would disagree, i guess the way that it should be enforced is where i got a little confused. It seemed to me like people wanted to put the government in control of the internet.
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    Kazakhstan made a test run a few years ago.
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    Shitholes gonna shithole, and the governments of the "free democracies"(tm) in the West are all to eager to also shithole.
  • 6
    The overwhelming majority of people are vile, disgusting creatures who only ever make things worse.
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    @Ubbe Good for you?
    I envy your naivety a little bit.
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    @JustThat can i get this link?
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    @JustThat you could've just linked the one politico article that they both source, but regardless i think talking about it from a security perspective is different than the fight for privacy. Of course we should always err on the privacy side, but i would rather hear about the conversation than not hear anything at all
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