
Let's do a major refactor right before a release, what could possibly go wrong? (:

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    It ain't cool until you comment out your tests
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    “How hard can it be”..
    3days later
    Boss: “how could this happen!”
  • 4
    Nothing :) your throughtout tests suite will watch your back :)
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    Serious answer - put it in writing that you think it's a bad idea. At least that way you've covered yourself.
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    @AlmondSauce that's a good idea, unfortunately...too late for this round.
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    @amphair Worth bearing in mind for the future. I've turned around a fair few... shall we say heated conversations with various bosses using that technique. Turning from a "how the hell could you let this happen" to a "hold on a minute, I told you this would happen, here's the proof, why the hell did you ignore my advice" is very useful indeed.
  • 2
    Nothing, just go take a 2week vacation right after!!
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    Ideally your unit tests would give you the assurance that the code functions as it did before.

    In the real world I'm currently 3 days into a simple 2 hour refactor
  • 3
    Is it Friday too?
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