Just bought a subscription for JetBrains.

Trying CLion debugger...


Me: I love you, I love you, I love you
Me: 😍😍😍
Me: (Hugs computer)

  • 3
    All products pack I assume? I love Datagrip, Rider and webstorm
  • 2
    @Codex404 yes, all of them!!!
  • 6
    @Codex404 Datagrip is legitimately one of the best tools I have ever used
  • 3
    @frickerg second that
  • 5
    @frickerg I tried datagrip. It is insanly fast. Loved that. But lacked lot of features that dbeaver has. It is not the greatest tool for Oracle PL/SQL development either.
  • 3
    @coffeeholic for class projects, I desperately rely on it, but the price isn't worth it long term. DBeaver works well enough.
  • 1
    Clion debugging is ok. But my best experience is with C# + Visual studio
  • 1
    @bondrewd Woah... All products..
    What did it cost?
  • 4
    @coffeeholic I have never used it with Oracle, but I'm developing multiple projects at the time with different SQL dialects. Datagrip fits my needs because I can access everything quickly and switching databases is almost too easy.
  • 1
    @Konsole it's like a bundle, and each year they charge you less :)
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