How much salary should I ask for in Germany?

Specifically near Frankfurt, in aerospace sector. I have seen 58k gross yearly but seems to be a bit low to my liking. I am expecting 40/45% tax rate but not sure about that too.

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    Tax rate should be around 28% at that income, but other social costs (health, retirement, etc.) are deducted before tax, being around >=20%, so 40-45% seems to be right.
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    If you are a pay scale employee

    Take a look at the column Hessen.
    If you want more you need a contract out of the pay scale
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    Forgot to say I will be an expat with 3.5 years experience in same sector.
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    Ask for all the money
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    And total experience? This is like asking ‘what does a car cost’.
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    Total is 3.5 also, Not a senior but not that junior also.
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    58k is pretty neat for a junior++.
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    @Humanoid- juniors with 2 to 3 years experience i offer around that salary indeed. Including holiday pay etc that makes around 40K. Pretty good pay if you ask me. I reached the 58K after 6 years experience (+ a few years hobbying) or so.
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    Nice! And pay isn’t always the most important. Enough time to deliver quality and time for learning stuff is really useful!
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    @JohnDoesNot Do you know tax rate for single expat? I guess it would be between 40%\45%.
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    @aviophile for Netherlands it’s 43-50%, for expats i have no idea..
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