  • 1
    It made my day. :D
  • 3
    Now think of your best national geographics voice and read the tweet again 🤠
  • 2
    Love how a person commented:
    This is satire, right?

    Exactly what I was thinking too.
  • 7
    There is one recurring theme in that thread: A "10x engineer" is productive when few folks are around/no meetings take place/when he's undisturbed.

    In essence: Don't distract people. Give them the time and quiet to concentrate. THAT's the secret right there. And it applies to everyone. The "10x dev" probably doesn't exist, but "productivity reduced to 1/10" certainly does.
  • 7
    What's a bloody 10x engineer?! Is this the new bollocks phrase after everyone finally realised "rockstar coder" sounded moronic?!
  • 7
    What the fuck is a 10x engineer? Can I become one and where do I find that udemy discount code?!
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce @badcopnodonuts the term "10x developer" is several years old now, which rocks have you been living under? 😉

    It's supposed to be a dev ten times as productive as a regular dev. I don't know who keeps coming up with these terms. Rockstar developer, ninja developer, dev unicorn...

    And of course management keeps falling for it. An eternal gold rush for the one dev to replace them all... Because you'd get to keep nine out of ten salaries for yourself.
  • 1
    @VaderNT I live under rocks that generally don't involve me using social media ☺️
  • 1
  • 3
    @Commodore I somehow ended up with the voice of Jeremy Clarckson...
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce do rockstar coders snort blow off their keyboards?
  • 5
    I'm more of a ninja developer.
  • 1
    @interceptor I got a load of that, but it was the kind of load that gives you aids
  • 2
    But I guess those 10x engineers are not being paid 10x
  • 4
    @cafecortado of course not. What's in demand is super smart 10x engineers who are dumb enough to be talked into believing they are 1x engineers.
  • 3
    I'm more of a magical unicorn dev.
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