Offering a job without a button to apply or any contact info, because fuck you. 🙃

  • 2
    How did you get it?
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD LinkedIn jobs, forwarded me to a web page containing just the description of the job..
  • 1
    Maybe the company wants you to put effort in applying? Tried googling the company?
  • 1
    @EngineerCoding indeed, that is the first filter of shitty people
  • 1
    what? it's a job offer not a childish puzzle !

    Anyway, I checked their website and it's garbage.
  • 0
    @Coffe2Code yup, then it definitely got red flags all over the place! Just said it because my current company is hiring and they forgot their contact info in the job offer as well. Not that you should apply for that company anyway, I'm leaving in August for a reason
  • 0
    @Coffe2Code a garbage website is indeed a nogo. Though companies get so many shitty applicants when there is a form to use right away. For the company I work at 80% of the applicants would not be hired. Where if you clearly state the company name the number of applicants gets about 70% less and only 10% of the applicants will not be hired
  • 0
    You gotta earn it...
  • 1
    Wouldn't surprise me if eg. Front end job offer required you to change 'apply' button visibility through developer mode :)
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