Zoom: Don't worry everyone we'll deploy a work around to stop this venerability while keeping all the functionality in place.

Public: wouldn't it be safer to just remove some of these features? Someone will likely find another way around it.

Zoom: We feel comfortable with our decision and stand by our approach.

Apple: Fuck that - https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/...

  • 4
    Say what you want about Apple. They'll do their best to keep these things off their machines.
  • 8
    I'd say that's the right move for Apple to do. However much I hate that company it's a step to ensure user privacy.
  • 7
    While it's a good move from apple and all, is nobody going to raise suspicion over a silent update?
    "In a silent update recently pushed, Apple now controls all your data and your life. Oops"
  • 1
    @endor they've only done it twice in the history of the company. Once for a bug 5 years ago, once now. If MS did this to kill a hidden server, I'd honestly be happy as long as they disclose it and don't pull a stunt like the last "security update"
  • 0
    @dontbeevil big diff to be fair. As techno pointed out it’s only the second time they’ve done it and for a good reason.

    Compared to the company who tried to release a game console that wouldn’t work if the camera and microphone were disconnected
  • 0
    @dontbeevil all of those things are true. The apple phone thing is interesting though because every year they make it harder to abuse by adding more security. They’ve found out apps are abusing Bluetooth to track people, so now apps have to request permission to access it. Once again Facebook and co are in the firing line for having no BT features but still requesting BT access.

    I bring up the Kinect one because it’s the most laughable. The reason for it was complete crap compared to the likes of an Alexa / google home (which I don’t have), which at least offer a solid use case. MS were also encouraging people to not turn off their systems but instead put them into rest / suspended state and were criticized for it.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Apple have yet to be caught up in the near daily scandals of the others because they make their money from hardware, not advertising every aspect of your life. When something dodgy happens it’s a third party abusing the platform, what happens then? The above, apple shut them down regardless of how it might impact a relationship.

    The others are incredibly slow to act because it will hurt their bottom line and often try cover it up instead.
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