Why devrant icon, background etc. is ":/" ? I mean I feel like it's a little bit miserable lol. Any thoughts on that ? :/

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    I believe you do not understand this place. It's a place where developers rant about bad things that happened to them. Hence the :/ is one of the most fitting logo there is. It's code related but also a "meh" smiley.
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    It is miserable and its supposed to be. Only when the memes came it changed the mood and got away from what this place was supposed to be. A dev>rant< not r/ProgrammerHumor
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    I feel like >( would have been a better choice.
    :/ just says "disappointed."
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    I am pretty new here, so okay I got it! It's not like I am frustrated most the time when coding! It just seems a pretty dope community.
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    Because this is supposed to be a fucking misanthropic hateful place, optimism is just a lack of experience and/or intelligence, and then you die.
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    @RantSomeWhere He was the most vocal and descriptive. 😋

    I miss that asshole.
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