Why does every kid developer have a dark theme fetish? I started programming on a Commodore 64. It was dark. It's the quality of the shit you write that defines you assholes, not the color theme of your editor.

Now that that's off my chest, some poos soul has dared to send his resume to me. One of his projects is a website that is being marked by my ENS as a phishing website. I am about to invite him for an interview, and am willing to bet his everything will be dark because he wants to impress me.

  • 26
    Not all dark devs do it for their egos.

    Some of us are legitimately blind and bright ass colours hurt the eyes.
  • 8
    They don't brag about it. I am one of those but I prefer to lower the brightness
  • 6
    That's better. You're hired
  • 2
    I don't really care what theme I have, as long as I can code.
  • 2
    @FuckJava i do both, so when I do look st an all white screen it doesn't hurt as much.
  • 4
    Low brightness and dark mode here.
  • 6
    I almost thought the story would go “he sent in a dark theme resume”.
  • 2
    @rutee07 I prefer light blue with red font... I love how the characters seem to dance on the screen...
  • 1

    Very true.

    Ever used Turbo Pascal 5.5? That was the best dark IDE!
  • 3
    Bright does not hurt my eyes. Dark backgroung and dimmed-coloured syntax highlighting somehow works best for me. All these colours in a bright bgrnd are annoying me and sometimes unclear. In dark bgrnd it all looks more clear and I can immediately spot a pattern in the whole screen by just looking at it.

    Think colourful fireworks. They look colourful at daytime too, but at night they are more clear and it's much easier to notice all the colours [notice all the patterns with peripheral vision] at a glance rather than in a daytime.

    I don't brag. I just know it works for me better and annoys me less if I use syntax highlight in a darker bgrnd.
  • 2
    Anything bright hurts my eyes.
    So: dark theme, no whites, low brightness.
  • 0
    @irene Would if I could.
  • 1
    Well.. if I'm being honest I had dark theme when I started cause it was cool but now after years and years of dark theme I have become acclimated to it and anything bright hurts my brain.
  • 3
    @irene a screen shot of theme, with brightness down to 50-75% it's not as harsh, taking a photo just turns out bright ass blue so that doesn't help 😂
  • 1
    @irene it's not that colourful
  • 4
    @irene @C0D4 Are you two ex partners? You sound like a couple in their 60s
  • 1
    @irene Just updated previous comment as to why
  • 1
    @irene @C0D4 Just like the scene where Roy and Moss are bickering
  • 3
    @irene no this is.
    And these kind of dark themes just piss me off 😂
  • 1
    @FuckJava sometimes... sometimes it feels like it.
  • 1
    You know black-on-white themes is the result of black ink being cheaper than black paper, right? And that books were transcribed in candlelight because long exposure to the sunlight beamed up from white paper was blinding the monks? Times changed. Stop living by your ancestors habits when the reason for them doesn't exist any more. You don't work on paper and you don't need to print every page of what you read. And dark themes *are* easier on the eyes. Just pick one you hate the least.
  • 0
  • 1
    Yellow&white on blue is the only color scheme that makes any sense.
  • 2
    @irene prefers Soviet gray
  • 1
    Because dark theme doesn't burn my eyes when staring at it for 8+ hours a day.
  • 2
    @rutee07 you're hired if you use Comic Sans MS as your IDE font.
  • 0
    I like dark grey with aqua
  • 0
    @kwilliams What kind of homo neanderthalensis would use a variable pitch font to write code?
  • 0
    @FuckJava see back in the day, someone would write a worm that after infection it would change the default font to Comic Sans or Times New Roman on IDEs and then move on.
  • 0
    Back in the day I had written a worm that would prezz Ali+Backspace every 5 to 10 seconds if bc.exe was running
  • 0
    Dark themes are best but those with to much color hurt. Especially those shit ass material themes.

    To date , the best color combinations I have found are of JetBrains darcula
  • 1
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