So I have this "idea", you know how normally most sites have the usual backend functionality, like profile, profile edit, CRUD of some thing... Well I was wondering if there is not a way to make it "granular" kind of like models that can be reused by the backend with a noSQL approach... That if selected for a site it will implement it without too much hassle... I'm not an expert here so pardon any incorrect terms... Not sure if I'm being clear insl my question... Any suggestions welcome, I don't mind researching any suggestions or guidance from someone who has accomplished this.

  • 1
    Yeah. Damn right you are.
    I taught of this many years ago.

    Problem with that was the UI.
    Not all requirements are same.
    And for functionality there is MVC.
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    @zotigapo I hear you, I guess that I'm trying to find a way to make it work even with some ui differences... Thanks for your input.
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    @GhostDev yes you can. I develop some middleware on NodeJS to create rest API by there definition.
    We use JSON schema and open API definition.

    If you only need a proxy on top of your database it's pretty cool. But you can only deploy SCRUD function with it.
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    Products like these are usually named „platforms” and are always multimillion dollar disasters.

    Check out „the inner platform effect” or „why people hate SAP”.
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    @jotamontecino thank you kindly! I will take what you have told me into consideration when approaching this, its useful to know this can work. Thanks again!
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    @matste noted, I will be sure to check it out, always good to have information.
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