In the past, we used skype, hipchat, slack and now ... Microsoft Teams. What a tool.

Yes Teams, it makes total sense to tell me that my message is too long. I totally get it that you want me to rewrite my message and yes Teams, I should have rather attached it as a file to my message to begin with. Yes Teams, I wait for you to finish uploading those files before I can send the message. I'm sure there would be disastrous consequences if you send the message with my attached files as soon as you finished uploading. I don't even want to be productive. Thanks for helping me out.

  • 0
    I dare you to try their linux app :D
  • 1
    The company I work for is migrating towards Teams. My own team is in a bit of an odd situation that basically means we can continue using Slack, possibly forever. Maybe. Hopefully.

    I sure wish there was a native app though. I'm getting kind of sick of Electron. With Slack, VSCode, and Chrome itself running... that's just too much Chrome. I tried running Hyper Terminal (an Electron-based terminal emulator) and my computer ground to a halt. Too much Chrome for one system to handle.
  • 2
    @EmberQuill didn't know electron based terminal was a thing until now. Why, ohh just why..
  • 0
    @myss Mostly because Windows doesn't have any half-way decent terminal emulators. I eventually happened upon a native solution that works with WSL, but for a while I thought I was doomed to trying to use an Electron terminal emulator just to get something nice-looking and functional.
  • 1
    @EmberQuill Linux subsystem on Windows is good shit
  • 1
    Windows live messenger was better than that shit. Teams cant even hold 30 messages in memory on a 16 gig ram machine.
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