
Dearest Friday, where art thou?

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    Omg I love your game.

    edit: you make words... good.
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    @ihatecomputers thank you! there will be much more to it. suggestions welcome.
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    @Jilano Last Friday, you mean.
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    @Jilano I forgot to say thank you for the welcome and I'm drunk. So thank you!
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    @cellv Oh, I dunno! I liked the minimalism, it got me into this mood.... I got totally immersed even though I was on the bus surrounded by people and noise. It's cool being surprised by a little gem like that.

    Make sure to post a rant or mention me when you update it 😍
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    @ihatecomputers Oh thank you very much although I'm not sure if it's a *gem* or not. And yes I will post any and all updates here!

    (Btw hope it wasn't too depressing..)
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    @cellv Nah, I don't think so. More intriguing than anything. I was afraid you'd have trouble describing his interactions with the world after... the event... (it's usually hard to pull off) but I bought it.

    Btw I have 100% of the game beat so I'm taking the liberty of adding "💯" to my bio trophy case, kthxbai!
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    @ihatecomputers ahah. It's not even complete!
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