
Coworker: We you have to estimate these tasks.
Me (thinking): This task should take one day, but I'll add 4 hours in case something unexpected happens again.
* Estimates 12h
Coworker: Alright, the tasks for this sprint have been selected. Please start to work on them.
Me: * Starts working on certain task
* Sees time available for task
2d 4h (=20h)
* Writes coworker
Dude, that much time is overkill for that task!
Coworker: Yeah, the client said something similar.
Me: Then why did you estimate it that high?
Coworker: 🤷‍♂️
Me: Ok, what am I gonna do with all that extra time? 😑
Coworker: 🤷‍♂️

Thanks mate.
Around 4 hours in and almost done. What should I do with that extra time?

Task in question: Add a mutually exclusive field to a database table, add it to the form, test it and update the docs.

Enjoy the unrelated, clickbait cat

  • 5
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    Work on your private side projects.
  • 3
    scroll on devRant.. like me
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    xD the clickbait cat was a nice touch.
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    @netikras already done
    @Fast-Nop Probably

    @Coffe2Code @jespersh @rynken Some reasons why unfortunately I can't/shouldn't do these:
    1) contract can still be prematurely cancled
    2) Open office, CTO is less than 2m away from me
    3) My monitor is visible to anyone passing by the office.
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    @Fast-Nop @Samaritan @Awlex also usually all code written during working hours is considered company property
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    Obviously the extra time should be charged to the client, and then you can work for another client in the meantime and charge that time too.

    Why charge something once when you can charge it twice?
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    Do you really have just one task at a time? Nothing to switch to?
    What an utopia! 😱
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    That's a caow.
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    @Yamakuzure Not if you get an immediate feeling of guilt, because you're slacking off at work. Like me for example 😳
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    Why are you billing based on estimates instead of actual time spent?
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    @spongessuck idk, I'm just the maindev of that project bro 🤣

    Anyways, I ended up learning a bit LATEX, cause I need to wrote them docs/manuals wifh LATEX
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    Containerize it
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