Everyone is abusing that word "Urgently" in email.

  • 10
    We should stop doing that urgently
  • 5
    I have a very simple rule - any email with "Urgent", "important", or anything in ALL CAPS in the subject just goes straight to the bottom of the pile.
  • 2
    I have a filter for this, if it is truly urgent, you can walk your micro managing ass over to my desk and explain to me the how, what and why ~ karma
  • 2
    Urgent: DEVOPS team needs assistance.

    I've written this twice since I've worked at my company in three years. Once for a 8 hour outage, the other for a company wide project that was going to miss the delivery date unless I got Management's attention.

    Otherwise, it's a good rule to ignore the 12 in my inbox today

    Especially when it's without actual work tickets that track my teams performance and workload
  • 2
    One of our customers email panic scale ranges from "Urgent:" to "URGENT:".
  • 2
    @cheat117 the beacons are lit! DevOps calls for aide!
  • 1
    @kwilliams know the feel man, one of my customers email is always" URGENT!!!", email body is uppercase... And signature is missing every fucking time ( i obviously know who the fuck he is)
  • 1
    As a IT-Supporter I can tell you, that urgent always gets used to death by people, for the shittiest cases.

    I had once somebody who called IT for his Coffe Machine and said, he needs urgent support, because the big boss wants coffe. I told him to get coffe from our Cafeteria then and never call IT again for a FUCKING BEAN ROASTER
  • 0
    Add it to the spam filter.
  • 0
    I literally just made a rant about this...
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