Someone in Europe: It's really hot here.
Me: oh really? here it's perfect

  • 15
    gLOBaL WaRMInG Is A ScAM
  • 3
    It´s not the temperature. Here currently 33°C.
    That´s perfectly normal.

    Yesterday it wasn´t that bad although it was almost as hot as now.

    It´s the air humidity.
    Here now it´s currently around 70% outside.
  • 1
    That depends... In Lithuania we are used to have a week or two at august of 30+++ degrees.

    Now... It's already a 3rd week where it's mostly 30+++ degrees outside, low winds and no clouds. This is unusual for our climate at all...

    No conditioning at homes and well... Inside it reaches more than +40 daily, which is unhealthy here...

    I'm waiting for an average temp of this month since last year it was:
    15,9–17,8 °C
    With a maximum of 30 degrees, while we already had a week of non-stop 35 here...
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    @desmondanimus *tropic of cancer
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    @desmondanimus It depends what is bad :)

    Humidity outside is around 60-80% day after day.

    Rain... We have an emergency in the country since... We've had 4 days of rain within a two months period (drought to be exact).

    All in all, it wouldn't be bad if we all would be used to warmer weather :)
  • 1
    I shit you not, that is close to what we experience here in S Texas pretty much all fucking year and I seem to be the only asshole that hates it.

    From 39 all the way to 47 most days of the year, specially on summer. December is usually around 28 or maybe 15(people wearing thick jackets and shit)

    I fucking despise hot weather. The only thing i like about it is mini shorts or overall skimpy summer outfits. Das about it.
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    now it's 49..
    I consider to open a restaurant called: Sun baked Pizza 🍕
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    @desmondanimus @AleCx04 You won't believe it - I love winter. -20 or even -30 is nothing for me. I enjoy being cold... Now when we have heat... I only work outside in the coffee shops since office AC is at full power and does nothing...

    Also, I've been in Spain at the summer, their hottest month - August. Even when there was a +40 in the shade - it wasn't that bad. So yeah... When you are used to something - and it does the opposite - you are on your way to destinaton fked.
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    @desmondanimus anything below 20 is good for me :D
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    Dude, how do you fucking survive that?
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    @Krokoklemme AC.. AC are everywhere
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    @Coffe2Code where are you in France ? it's max 35°C here in Annecy
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    Currently like 33°C here in Switzerland. Not that high but consider, that the humidity is about 90%.
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    @une-poule non, 46º en France c'est impossible
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    I'm from Scotland. We have such specific temperature thresholds. 5C is too cold but 15C is too hot. I went to work without a jacket when it was 8C with the forecast going to the wothering height of 18. A jacket or even a jumper in that temperature would have killed me.
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