Is there any language that can be considered to be beautifully designed?

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    @Fast-Nop Nan, je pense pas trop.
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    @Clear0Ff C'est pas pour rien que ça s’appelle « la belle langue ».
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    Oh s#$it , here we go again
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    Don't they evolve, rather then result from design. If so, evolution is a beautiful thing, so I love all its children. Peace out.
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    No, nothing is beautiful to all.
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    Go is pretty good
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    @dudeking Is Emojicode a thing now? I daren't search unless it is---as I'll never be able to unsee it.

    A British judge, in the 70s, upon being told by a barrister that oral sex was quite common, said that, in that case, he was happy he didn't have much longer to live.

    I feel that way about emojis. People are communicating using a toddler-friendly language.
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    @Ubbe to a very sick mind, that is.
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    @platypus there is multiple designed language. Esperanto, Klingon and a few others.
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    @Codex404 Are they elegant?
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    Elvish and Ruby.
    Neither are perfect, but they are beautiful.
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    Ruby, Elixir, C, Clojure, Scheme, Spanish, Python
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    @Priyal shit fam, forgot about Luna, good choice
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    Lisp is what you are looking for
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    Crystal / ruby I guess
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    @AleCx04 Spanish? Spanish is a shit language. I spent years in California listening to that garbage.

    Now German, German is a nice, beautiful language.
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    @Gogeta70 Me vale un reverendo kilogramo de verga tu opinion. La razon? Eres un pobre retrasado sin chiste el cual por joto nunca mencionaria esta opinion en publico :D

    @mundo03 translate for this tarado if needed :D
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    @Gogeta70, literal translation:
    Your holy opinion is worth a kilogram of dick, the reason? You are a poor retarded with out jokes which would not express his opinion in public because you are a faggot.

    Sensible translation:
    I could not care less about your opinion due the fact that your are too coward to express your self in public.

    Also your mom is a whore.
    @AleCx04 you are welcome.
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    @AleCx04 Your choice to come back with insults in place of anything remotely intelligent says a lot about your character.

    You're just another moron vomiting out insults to strangers on the internet. Congratulations.
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    @Gogeta70 no no, German is a very ugly language, if not the ugliest of them all. There are some dialects which sound quite nice, though.
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    @electrineer french, or any latin related lamguage really, is way uglier in my opinion. I really like German,
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    @Gogeta70 call my language shit and don't expect an insult? Your choice of being a victim over your own stupidity says a lot about your character as well shitbag. You are probably the kind of person that talks shit, gets smacked and wonders what went wrong.

    Here is more vomit for ya: eat a fucking dick.
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    @AleCx04 And yet again, your response lacks any intelligence and is packed full of vulgar language meant to insult me. You need grow up and act like an adult.

    As for me, I don't really give a shit about insults from some childish idiot and I don't have the time to help you pull your head out of your ass. Try holding your nose blowing real hard, it might just pop out.
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    @electrineer It's a matter of preference; some people don't like the more gutteral sound of Germanic languages. Personally, I like it though.
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    @Gogeta70 lmao talks shit, cries when confronted.

    Have a good one bud.
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    I declare this convo
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    @Clear0Ff ✂️ *cuts ribbon*

    I hereby declare the converstion to be opened
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    @Codex404 thanks

    _WaRnINg: ExCeSsIVeLy ChEeKy CoMmEnT aHeAd_

    @Gogeta70 maybe Spanish is not shit because of the language itself but the people who speak it
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    @electrineer What are trying to get at? I dislike Spanish regardless of who is speaking it.
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    @Gogeta70 Meh. Just trying to be witty after what happened on this thread. Not trying to be serious. Part of me thought it was a failed attempt but I posted it anyway.
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    @rendezvous that comic is not correct though. In Dutch Science = Wetenschap.
    Rocket science = Raketwetenschap
    Nature related sciences = natuurwetenschappen

    The latter includes Biology, Physics and Chemistry, but not computers.

    Pretty sure this is the same in German.
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    I’m not sure how we ended up here
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    @abirz are you new to the Internet? That's what happens here.
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    I guess, Korean and Chinese.
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