
I always feel odd when I hear about MongoDB. Cuz mongo is a German curse word for someone with down syndrom...

  • 4
    They named the database appropriately then? Me personally will flip out and punch anyone if I hear the word mongodb or nosql one more fucking time motherfuck
  • 1
    In swedish too so I feel a bit the same way (and I think in english too)
  • 0
    Mongo is an abbreviation for mongoloid... Which is a rassistic term

    The abbreviation of humongous to Mongo lead to MongoDB.
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  • 1
    Hehe. Hearing Kotlin delights me in a similar way as MongoDB, cause "Kot" means "shit" in German.
  • 0
    I always think of it, too. And as for Kotlin I always think of Kotelett 🥩
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